Surya Comedy is a television channel that focuses on Indian comedy. The program airs in Malayalam on the Sun TV Network. Based in Kochi, Kerala, India, the show is directed by Anand. The first episode aired on May 7, 2007. The show is a combination of stand-up comedy and sketch acts. For more information, visit their website. For more information, visit the Surya Comedy web site.
The new Malayalam comedy channel, Surya Comedy, is scheduled to launch on April 29. The channel will feature various segments and live phone-in shows, and is expected to launch on April 29, 2017. Among the shows, watchers can look forward to the Aminaatha Speaking and Mimics Koodaram series, which are both written by Saju Kodiyan. The live phone-ins will provide a good opportunity for viewers to participate in the fun and laughter.
The channel is part of the Sun TV Network, which has a bouquet of Malayalam entertainment channels. In addition to comedy, the network also airs music and news shows. As a result, it will be one of the only Malayalam comedy channels on the market. Additionally, Surya Comedy has different Time Bands, so advertisers can choose the best time and frequency for their ads. The ad campaign is highly customizable, depending on the desired outcome of the campaign.
Despite its popularity, television advertising is still one of the most popular advertising mediums in the world. While digital platforms are also becoming popular, television remains the most effective way to promote a brand. With an audience of 95 million in India, television advertising can enhance lead generation authority and improve brand authority. Big Media Kart is the leading Surya Comedy TV channel advertisement agency, offering the most competitive rates and impeccable service. They will analyze your campaign goals and create a customized strategy for your campaign.