One of the goals that our children have to achieve in school is to learn how to write well. There is no formula for becoming a writer, also because, being a talent, it is not a skill for everyone, but there are tricks that teachers can adopt to help students in the art of writing. Here are some tips for teachers to stimulate and encourage their students.
Some students also use paraphrase tool to correct their writing and it actually works for them.
Give your students clear and specific directions
When you give your students an essay to do, don’t just explain yourself in words, but provide them with handouts and a written outline that they can continually refer to. In this way the student will have a clear idea of what he has to do.
Students have to write every day
Today at school the activity of written production often takes a back seat, while exactly the opposite should happen: to improve in writing, you have to write daily, in order to experiment with various types of texts, from the essay, to the literary theme, to the text analysis, newspaper article. Writing every day makes students stronger and becomes easier and more automatic for them.
Enhance classroom comparisons
Enhancing discussions and debates in the classroom is very important: in this way pupils learn to talk about their way of writing and their text, exchanging advice and suggestions with other classmates. It’s a way to question yourself!
Make a judgment as soon as possible
It’s more important to give short, punchy advice in no time, rather than a whole page full of recommendations weeks later.
Correct only submitted jobs
If you correct the phases of drafting the theme, it is as if you consider the draft finished and completed, when, on the other hand, it is simply a part of a process that needs to be improved, refined and corrected.
Read and reread the students’ papers
During the first reading, do not begin to mark all errors with the dreadful red pen. Take a moment and read the text more than once, keeping the red pen closed. Put yourself in the shoes of the reader and not the editor.
The last thing a teacher wants to do is give a student back his or her papers full of red marks. As it is written, try to put yourself in the shoes of the reader and not the editor. If an error occurs often, limit yourself to marking it only once and suggest that the student look for the others, following your instructions, and correct them by himself. This way you involve him in correcting the text.
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Bring out the student’s potential
Not only mark the negative aspects of the text, but also highlight the positives, indicating the potential of the student’s writing. So our kids are encouraged. We need to make sure that the pupils know that the sentences underlined are not only errors, but also the merits of writing.
Always give an evaluation at the first delivery of the text
After the first correction, students will analyze and consider your recommendations for writing the second draft. To be taken into consideration are the main idea, the organization, the voice of the writer, the language.
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