There is a proliferation of aberrant cells in the colon and rectum that causes colorectal cancer. People over 50 are more likely to be diagnosed with the third most frequent cancer in the United States. Some frequently asked questions concerning colon cancer screening are answered in this fact sheet.
What Are the Benefits of Colon Cancer Screening?
Regular colon cancer screening can help avoid many cases of the disease. When polyps—abnormal colon or rectum growths—are found during screening, they are removed before they become cancer. Colorectal cancer is relatively curable if identified early through screening. Colorectal cancer frequently has no symptoms in the early stages. Progression of cancer is accompanied by an increase in the number of symptoms.
What Is a Colonoscopy?
The most effective way to colon cancer screening is through a colonoscopy. Many types of colorectal cancer can only be detected by this screening test. To help you prepare for this exam, here are some things to keep in mind:
As part of a routine colonoscopy, doctors do an examination of your colon to look for polyps or tumors. Polyps can be eradicated as soon as they are discovered.
You will be given medicine to help you relax on the day of the colonoscopy. It’s common for people to fall asleep throughout the test and not remember anything when they wake up.
Your doctor inserts a colonoscopy, a long, thin, flexible tube, into your colon through the rectum to perform a colonoscopy. In order to display images on a video monitor, a small video camera and a light are attached to the tube’s end.
If you’re having a colonoscopy, your doctor will give you specific advice on how to prepare your body for the procedure.
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Regardless of gender, colonoscopies should begin at the age of 45. On the advice of your doctor, people with a higher risk of colorectal cancer can begin earlier. Also, your doctor will tell you whether and when you should have a colonoscopy done again.
Are there any other screening tests?
As an alternative to colonoscopies, your doctor may recommend other tests, such as colonoscopies, and the frequency with which they should be conducted.
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Barium enema with two contrast agents
- Blood occult in the faces
- The results of a stool sample’s DNA analysisVisit The Site: newsmaster360
A colon cancer screening is a more thorough procedure, and these tests do not replace it. You’ll still require a colonoscopy if these tests indicate the presence of polyps or malignancies.
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What Are Some Colorectal Cancer Risk Factors?
Anything that increases your probability of getting cancer is considered a risk factor. Colorectal cancer is associated with the following risk factors. Consult your physician to determine your personal risk and the frequency with which you should be checked for cancer.
History of self and ancestors. Colorectal cancer is more likely to strike a person who has a parent, sister, brother, or child who has been diagnosed before the age of 60. People with a history of colorectal cancer are more likely to develop the disease again. As a result, people with a history of colorectal polyps are also at a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.
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